Thursday, November 3, 2011

Healing at the Speed of Sound: How What We Hear Transforms Our Brains and Our Lives

In this book, Don Campbell, best selling author of "The Mozart Effect" and Alex Doman, an expert in the practical application of sound and listening, show how we can use music and silence to become more efficient, productive, relaxed, and healthy. They are both scientists of Advanced Brain Technologies. ABT is the leader in sound brain fitness and has helped hundreds of thousands of children and adults throughout the world improve their lives.

The multimedia format of this book is enhanced with three sets of icons, an ear, an eye and a light bulb. These icons contain links to go to the website The ear takes you to the Podcast, music downloads and other audio-based links. The eye takes you to the videos and other demonstrations to help you healing at the speed of sound.The light bulbs, those are the ideas with links to websites, research articles to help you make the most of this book.

To learn more about the authors or view the book links, the book trailer and endorsements click here.

ISBN: 9781594630828

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