Wednesday, May 16, 2012

JP Rangaswami: Information is Food

"...'There is no such animal as information overload, there is only filter failure.' I put it to you that information, if viewed from the point of food, is never a production issue; you never speak of food overload. Fundamentally, it's a consumption issue. And we have to start thinking about how we create diets within ourselves, exercise within ourselves to have the faculties to deal with information, to have the labeling to be able to do it responsibly..."
                                 -- JP Rangaswami


Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Do you need to study in a group?

The Manhattan Library has 3 group study rooms available to students, located on the 3rd floor of 1855 Broadway.  You can reserve a room for up to 2 hours.  A minimum of 2 students must be present.

Find out more, or reserve a room, by visiting the circulation desk located on the 2nd floor of the library.

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Faculty: Complete the Online Survey and Win a Kindle Fire!

The Library Systems Committee of the Academic Senate requests that all faculty complete the Faculty Survey of Library Resources & Services. The purpose of this survey is to gain faculty feedback to assist the library in improving services and resources. As an incentive, the library will be giving away two Kindle Fires to two randomly selected faculty members who complete the survey.

Watch your inbox for an email for the survey or click here to access the survey.
We thank you in advance for your participation.  If you have any questions, please contact Jeffrey Feinsilver ( or Yuko Oda (

May the odds be with you!